■As we proceeded through the narrow tree trunks, several tree trunks intertwined to form a path. At the end of the path, a
huge tree rose as if it were protecting something.
I expressed the above concept as a work of art.

・PureRef – リファレンス画像収集
・Blender – モデリング、UV
・Substance Painter – テクスチャ
・Unreal Engine 5 – シーン構築、最終レンダリング
・Photoshop – 素材作成
・DavinchResolve – 動画編集
・PureRef – Reference image collection
・Blender – modeling, UVs
・Substance Painter – Texturing
・Unreal Engine 5 – Scene construction, Rendering
・Photoshop – Material creation
・DavinchResolve – Video editing
※Megascan is used for some textures.

■I managed the collected reference images in PureRef and imagined what the work would look like.

■We created a rough model in Blender and laid it out in UE to check the appearance and other aspects.

・Curveを使用して木のモデリング: BlenderのCurveを使って木の形を作成し、各Curveの数値を異なる大きさに設定します。
・CurveをMesh化: CurveをMesh(メッシュ)に変換します。
・Subdivisionで分割数を上げる: モディファイア(モディファイア)を使って、Meshの分割数を上げ、DisplaceMapを割り当て
・DisplaceMapを使用して形状を再現: DisplaceMap(ディスプレースマップ)を使って、木の形状をよりリアルに再現します。
■ Regarding tree modeling
・Modeling a tree using Curves: Create a tree shape using Blender's Curves and set each Curve's value to a different size.
・Curve to Mesh: Convert a curve to a mesh.
・Increase the number of divisions with Subdivision: Use a modifier to increase the number of mesh divisions and assign a
・Use DisplaceMap to recreate the shape: Use DisplaceMap to recreate the tree shape more realistically.

■ ParticleSystem is used to generate points, WeightPaint is used to specify the range of points to be generated, and tree trunks
are generated at these points.
ParticleSystem is also used to generate points on the tree trunk, and leaves are generated on those points.

■More about foliage
The tree trunk is covered with Metaball.
Generate a point in ParticleSystem and generate leaves at that point. Rotation and random values are changed so that
the placement is not the same.

■For the leaf material, I also included a SimpleGrassWind node to create movement, and a SubsurfaceColor for when
the leaves are hit by the sun.
I also included a SimpleGrassWind node and a SubsurfaceColor when it hits the sun.

■Layout with Asset created with camera work in mind.

■空に関しては、FABの「Cloud & Skies」を使用しております。
■Regarding the sky, we use FAB's “Cloud & Skies”.

■The placement of the clouds and planets further enhanced the atmospheric feel of the work.